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What's happening in Community for Q2?

  • 10 April 2024
  • 1 reply
What's happening in Community for Q2?

Can you believe that we’re already in the second quarter of the year??

✈️ Time flies when you’re having fun I guess 🤷

This quarter we want to focus on creating connections! 

No, not within community (although we won’t stop you from saying “hi” to a new friend!)

We’ll be focusing on connecting GUIDEcx to your tech stack!



In April, we want to hear from YOU about what integrations you’ve built with GUIDEcx recipe builder! 

Who’s got something cool?

Let us know in the comments of this post:



In May, we will team up integration experts and host a few webinars this month to help you learn how to connect your tech stack to GUIDEcx. Keep your eyes peeled as we announce when those workshops are! If you don’t have Recipe Builder, but you’d like to participate please contact your CSM!



In June, we’ll be hosting a hack-a-thon! 

What is a hack-a-thon? Great question!

A hack-a-thon is a popular event in the developer world where coders come together to develop new approaches to solving problems or completing large projects that require collaboration.

In June we want to host a Recipe Builder Hack-a-thon! We’re still working on details but at a high level you can team up with others and dream up ideas for integrations that would be total game changers!

More details to follow! 

That’s what we’re cooking up for the second quarter! Stay tuned and feel free to drop any questions, comments, or suggestions below!

@willpatterson please participate in the Hack-a-thon

ps., the OS Team at BLVD has discussed getting GuideCX tattoos...we are just waiting to see if our leadership will pay for it. 🤞🏻
