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Was there a sweet nickel arcade down the road? Was there a forest nearby? Was it in the heart of a busy city where you played marbles with your friends in an alleyway?

I want to hear about it! 

I grew up in suburbia Massachusetts, and when I was a kid there was a penny candy store in town. I could go in with a dollar and literally walk out with 100 pieces of candy. It’s a lost facet of our world where you can buy a piece of candy for a penny, but that was one of the things I loved when I was a kid.

Aw that’s amazing! It reminds me of my dad’s childhood. He grew up by a sweets factory (think little debbies, hostess, twinkies, etc) where all the defects were given away for free. I was born at the wrong time haha all that I got to do growing up was dumpster dive in Krispy Kreme every Wednesday for a free garbage filled with donuts that didn’t sell!
