Funday Friday - Favorite Book?

  • 31 March 2023
  • 7 replies

Userlevel 3

This year I started reading..for fun. (for the first time in 8 years?!). I’m not a reader. Dare I say, at times, I’ve said, “I hate reading,” but I found a crazy good deal on a Kindle during Black Friday and intentionally purchased Kindle Unlimited (it’s an investment!) to force myself to read more. I started putting my Kindle right next to my bed and reading one chapter of a book a night. It’s honestly been great. I’ve found some new passions…such as sailing, recipe testing, and comedy, that all came from the books I’ve read.


My favorite has been “Escape from the Ordinary” from Julie Bradley. She and her husband decided they wanted to sail around the world, and they have some amazing stories to tell! I really like it because it’s changed the way I think about the world, diving into my passions and taking the plunge to do something new. It has also helped at work a ton - I now relate to my colleagues in new ways and am willing to test new things out..even if they might not work out perfectly.


Do you have any new hobbies or book recs from the last couple of years?


@Sara Fowers 

7 replies

Userlevel 7

I’m right there with you, @ryanngill, in that I’m not a big time reader for funsies. HOWEVER, if you want a book that you cannot put down and is absolutely incredible - you have to check out “Boys in the Boat


{Spoiler Alert} It’s about how an underdog US rowing team defeats the German rowing team in the 1936 Olympics. It’s inspiring and incredible how these boys come together and become the world’s best rowing team! I learned a lot about teamwork and what makes them successful!

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  • Buddha mind, Buddha body - Book by Thich Nhat Hanh
    This book has taught me self awareness, practice gratefulness and how consciousness works - the expected behaviour which intern helps identifying bugs! 😉
    I recommend this book to all! It’s bliss in today’s high paced world. It will help one become high functioning with ease and efficiency!
  • The Palace of Illusions - Novel by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
    This one is an all time favourite. It is the only book depicting worlds longest most dramatic Epic - The Mahabharata (a Hindu Mythological piece of wonder) from a Woman’s perspective. She a princess who was married to five brothers (cruel) who then lost their kingdom to their cousins (riches turned rags). The book depicts how everything in her life was decided by the men in her life and how she navigated through all of that while the world ended up only worshiping the men!

I am a fan of of the Shiva Trilogy by Amish Tripathy, A Thousand Splendid Sons and Kite Runner by Khalid Hussein. 


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Must reads for those in corporate and tech industry :-

  • Who Says Elephants Can't Dance?: Inside IBM's Historic Turnaround - Book by Lou Gerstner
  • Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap...and Others Don't - Book by Jim Collins


Userlevel 3

@emaynez I’ve heard that Boys in the Boat is super good! I’ll have to check it out - I’ve heard a few people reference it in relation to teamwork, too!

@Tista Thank you! I love your recommendations! We’ll have to chat sometime about Buddha Mind, Buddha Body, that is something I’d really like to know more about. I just did a case study on IBM! It’s amazing that they were able to turn to be so agile when they needed to be. I haven’t read Who Says Elephants Can’t Dance? but will add it to the list!

Userlevel 5

Two of my all-time favorites are much older books.  

The Count Of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas and Les Misérables by Victor Hugo. I love the details and history involved and they have amazing stories.


Userlevel 7

I’m a big time fan of Gavroche! He is a reminder of the resilience of the human spirit in times of hardship. When I grow up I hope to be as funny and courageous as him one day! @rondeaul 


When I was a kid my favorite book was The Ear, The Eye, and the Arm.  @rondeaul  I’ll have to read the Count of Monte Cristo since it’s one of my favorite movies.  Currently I’m reading Four Pillars of a Man’s Heart.  

I picked up Digital Hesitation and Income from Outcomes at TSIA in Vegas, I need to find time to get through those as well.
