
Sort on Completed Tasks in Projects View

  • 15 April 2024
  • 3 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +2

I am on the Projects view. I only have 1 column sorted. That sorted column is “completed tasks”.  The results is not as expected.  Please see the attachment. Why would the 10 completed tasks not be under the 13 completed tasks? 

3 replies

Userlevel 7

HI @bnpguidecx! Thanks for sharing this question. I took a look at this and I’m seeing something similar. Let me loop in our support team so I can see what the logic is here. I’ll respond with what I learn.

Userlevel 1

@emaynez Hiya! We have seen similar issues, causing us to miss marking some of our projects “done” because of the sorting issues. Did you get a resolution on this?

Userlevel 7

Hi team! We haven’t started investigating this yet, but it is on our radar and list of to-do’s soon!
