
Notes > Internal: response via email posts as Public.

  • 13 February 2024
  • 8 replies

Userlevel 1
  1. In a Task’s Notes > Internal section, I @ an internal team member in an Internal note I entered and saved. (functions as expected)
  2. The internal team member receives a ‘ <my name> mentioned you in a task on the project <name of project> email. (functions as expected)
  3. The internal team member replies to the email (functions as expected)
  4. GUIDEcx seems to capture the reply as a Public note (functions unexpectely)
    1. Expectation is that GUIDEx would capture the response as and Internal note

Curious if anyone has had a similar experience.


Best answer by ccrossett 29 March 2024, 16:38

View original

8 replies

Userlevel 7

Hi @Porto! Great post!

I’m seeing the same thing on my end when I’m adding notes on the:

  • Project level
  • Internal Visible Tasks
  • Customer Tasks
  • Third-Party Tasks

It’s good to note that I see notes come back as internal when they’re added to:

  • Internal hidden tasks
  • Internal Name-only Tasks

Out of curiosity, is this happening to you when you leave an internal note on a customer task?


@ccrossett might be worth reviewing if this is expected behavior!

Userlevel 1

Hi @emaynez 

Thanks for the reply. Yes, it seems to happen for any Task Type (Participant Task, Individual Task) and for any Responsibility (Customer, Internal).

Hi @ccrossett, I expect email replies to Internal notes would function as stated in above Step. 4.1. Let me know. Thanks!

Userlevel 3

@Porto I am experiencing this same thing. The task is an internal task with visibility set to “hidden” but the email response is a public note. 


Here is a screenshot example of me logged into a project as a customer, able to view an email note on an internal / hidden task. I agree that these notes should always be internal. If you make a note within the app, it can only be internal, so it seems weird that the email ones would be public.


Userlevel 1

Thank you @EHill for commenting that you have the same experience.

​​​Hi @emaynez and @ccrossett - I submitted the above scenario via GUIDEcx as a roadmap request given that email replies to an internal note seem to compromise the integrity of an internal note. Let me know if the roadmap request I submitted is not OK. Thank you!

Userlevel 3

@Porto I did see your other post. A thought struck me today. Perhaps another solution could be if the project managers could edit the visibility of notes. Not edit the content, just switch things between internal and external. My thought process being that there might be more widely useful, especially if somebody were to actually make an external note that should have been internal but they don't notice. The project-manager could make the switch for them`.

Userlevel 3

Hi @Porto and @EHill thank you for the great conversation in here. 

@Porto I did see your roadmap request and indexed that today in our roadmap tool. Your request was great and I appreciated the link back to this conversation. One thing that is interesting is that before reading all of the comments on here, I had a similar thought to @EHill about being able to change the visibility of the note after the fact. 

We are working on improving our communication tools within the product with some of the main priorities being threaded messages and having a global inbox. The timing of the conversation is great because while I don’t see us putting effort to go in and change the original Notes section (since it is going to be deprecated once Messaging is complete) it does help us think of additional use cases and requirements to consider for the updated version. 

Userlevel 3

@ccrossett Thank you for the insight. It makes sense to not focus on the improvement if notes will be going away. 

I’ll look into the messaging features on the roadmap for further details there. 

Userlevel 1

Thank you @EHill and @ccrossett for your dialog on this, and for offering options. I appreciate it and look forward to Messaging.
