@emaynez Would love to learn more about the customer if possible. I’m curious to hear more about how they know customers are getting lost or disengaged while also ignoring their outreach efforts.
Reading your description of the problem, it’s a tough cookie for sure. I’m not sure that we can say the self-serve model itself is the root cause of the churn because it’s drawing enough interest to bring in new customers. It does, however, seem that there could be points of disconnect in what’s being sold versus real-life application and functionality.
I am, personally, not a fan of forcing a customer’s hand when it comes to user-training - to an extent. There’s a difference between giving something away and then taking it back versus saving the best parts for last. Maybe an approach could be that only certain features are released up-front while the release of remaining features is contingent on the completion of the onboarding call. Alternatively, you can always deploy accounts as ‘demo’ first before making them ‘live’. Again, that’s assuming that the issue lies in user-training.
I think the key here is to do more digging into the churn reasons. What kind of feedback are they collecting upon termination of an account? What type of self-serve product is this? I think we need more details - please. :)