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QOTW: What should you watch out for when shopping for an onboarding solution? (4/24)

  • 24 April 2023
  • 2 replies

If you say yes to any of these, it may be time to invest in an onboarding software that can help you improve your OX:

  1. Manual onboarding processes are taking up too much time: If you find that your team is spending a significant amount of time manually onboarding clients, it may be time to consider a client onboarding platform. Automating certain aspects of the process can save your team time and make the process more efficient.

  2. Your onboarding process is inconsistent: If your team is struggling to provide a consistent onboarding experience for clients, a client onboarding platform can help standardize the process.

  3. You're losing clients during the onboarding process: If you're experiencing high churn rates during the onboarding process, it may be a sign that your onboarding process needs improvement. A client onboarding platform can help streamline the process and provide a better experience for your clients.

  4. You're scaling your business: If you're expanding your business and bringing on more clients, a client onboarding platform can help manage the increased workload and ensure that each client receives a quality onboarding experience.

Let’s chat about what kind of things you should look out for when shopping for a new software!

2 replies

Userlevel 5
  1. Have you documented your process and understand each step in each phase and how they interact.
    1. Is the onboarding platform able to support your dependencies & interactions or automations
  2. Does the platform support the integrations you need to pass data to relevant systems?
  3. Does the platform support communications, both internal and with the client?
  4. How well do each of the features in the platform meet your needs.
    1. I can go to the rental car station and ask for a rental car and in my mind I’m thinking Ferrari and when I get to the lot I get a Yugo. Both do the same at the core but one will get me there much faster and in more comfort.
  5. Make sure you have defined all your requirements of a new system and the primary users have weighted the importance of those features so you can then compare the various platforms against your defined requirements. (see attached for what I used).
Userlevel 7

Thank you @rondeaul for your awesome insight! Thank you to @Davi1700 for joining me in today’s livestream! 

Check out episode 4!

