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A really good way to lose your customers’ engagement is to overwhelm them with information. Think back to your school days. The best professors never gave you the “fire hydrant” experience. They broke things down into easy to consume bits and they met you where you’re at. On the other hand, teachers who just recited information were more likely to lose your interest. Same rule applies for customers!

So… question of the week is what are some techniques you employ to ensure your customer is getting enough value, but not too much where they get overwhelmed?


Comment below with your thoughts and/or join us in our livestream to collaborate!

@emaynez - Similar to what was in another post, we have worked with our marketing team to provide a series of short but very informative emails that are sent within a day of the project being marked closed/won that preps a client for the overall onboarding experience. It outlines everything that will occur during the implementation and is structured in a manner that gives them details in just the right increments so they can prepare without having a laundry list of items that can make it difficult to focus the trees.

I love that, @rondeaul! Giving them little meals as opposed to a buffet is a good way to satiate their hunger, but not overwhelm them! I’m curious though, do you ever run into issues of deliverability (emails go to spam) and if you do how do you work around that?

We do. One of the questions during the kickoff is around the materials and did they get them. We validate that and then also during the sales process we prep them to look for them so we try to set the stage.

I’m excited for the day that we meet customers where they’re at. Can you imagine if we avoided the whole “please whitelist our domain” conversation and we could just text people onboarding tasks? So cool.

Shoutout to @rondeaul and @Mark Mitchell for joining in our livestream today!!! 

