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Who has the best training experience for their customers?


Do you have a team dedicated to training your new customers? Do you have your onboarding team conduct those trainings? We’d love to hear about it and how your organization approaches training and adoption!


@dana_slapfive @JakeMesser @Janis.Deedy @rondeaul How does training new users fit inside onboarding in your organization?

In my organization, user training is owned by our customer success team.  We coordinate with them to have user training conducted just prior to the client testing their instance in the platform so they understand how everything should work.

In my experience it is Onboarding, Training and Product. 


Too often product releases updates/changes that are not taught to other members of the organization and can catch them off guard mid-training or mid-sale. I think it’s important to establish a way to successfully send out “release notes” to ensure everyone is on track!

Ch-ch-ch-check it out!
