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Starting off on the right foot is important to maintain momentum. What are some things that must happen in a kickoff call to mitigate complications down the road?


  1. Full introductions
    1. Internal roles & what they do
    2. Client roles and what we need them to do
    3. 3rd party roles and how they support
  2. What the purpose of the project is
    1. “resell” the client on the project
      1. The person you are talking to may have been delegated the project and not know the background
    2. What is the benefit
  3. Clear expectations about:
    1. The implementation timeline
    2. SLAs
    3. Dependencies
    4. Task ownership (us & them)
  4. Review of the project scope:
    1. What is included
    2. What isn’t included
    3. Process for change orders
  5. Communication requirements
    1. Call schedule/durations
    2. Frequency of status updates
    3. What can be managed asynchronously
  6. Tools & Methods
    1. What platform is going to be used to manage what
    2. How should sensitive data be shared
    3. When logins will be issued
  7. Risk Management
    1. How timeline issues will be communicated & managed

Livestream is officially done! Catch it here:


Starts at 10:30!
