How does GUIDEcx use CSAT?

  • 25 March 2023
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How does GUIDEcx use CSAT?
Userlevel 7

Why does CSAT matter?


In the realm of customer success, the adage "The customer is always right... about their experience" resonates profoundly.


"The customer is always right... about their experience"


Nowhere is this more evident than in the pivotal phase of customer onboarding. This initial encounter sets the tone for your relationship with clients, potentially sealing their decision to entrust you with their business long-term.


So, how can you ensure your onboarding experience resonates positively with every customer?


Enter CSAT, your secret weapon for gaining a competitive edge.


Measuring customer satisfaction during onboarding is not merely a checkbox exercise; it’s a strategic imperative. It empowers you to gauge if you're aligning with customers' expectations and pinpoint areas ripe for enhancement.


A consistent stream of low ratings (1-3 stars) signals glaring issues demanding your attention.


Common starting points for improvement include refining training materials, streamlining the sign-up process, and offering tailored support.


Beyond fixing immediate pain points, there's a long-term benefit from CSAT measurement: fostering trust and loyalty. When companies actively solicit feedback and act upon it, they signal to clients that: their voices matter, laying the foundation for enduring partnerships. This commitment to continuous improvement not only bolsters customer retention but also fuels long-term revenue growth.


Ok we get it, Elan. CSAT is important. 

How does GUIDEcx’s CSAT feature work?


With GUIDEcx you can automatically send two types of CSAT Surveys:

  1. Milestone CSAT
  2. Project CSAT

Milestone CSAT provides you the opportunity to course correct and step in where necessary to ensure that your customers are having a great experience throughout the process.

Project level CSAT gives you insight into how the customer is feeling immediately post onboarding, so that you can step in where necessary to ensure that they have the best possible experience.

Here’s the article if you want to read more about it! If you have any questions, don’t forget to email your CSM.

Alright, the info you’ve been waiting for: 


How does GUIDEcx use the GUIDEcx CSAT feature?


I sat down with Mark Mitchell, Director of Professional Services here at GUIDEcx to understand how he uses it.


Mark’s number one priority is that customers get value quickly while having a wonderful experience so CSAT helps him get a solid pulse on customer satisfaction. What he shares is something everyone can implement!


(PS He has Milestone and Project CSAT surveys turned on.)

Here are the 3 things Mark does with CSAT:

  1. Look at the CSAT Report multiple times a week.
  2. Identify detractors (Scores less than 3 aka Neutral, Unsatisfied, and Very Unsatisfied)
  3. Schedule a call with the detractors (The goal is to understand how to course correct and gather data on how to improve the overall experience in the future.)

90% of the time customers are more than happy to hop on a call to voice their concerns and ask their questions.


His secret to a high show rate? He emphasized timing was everything. He tries to schedule meetings within the same week as the negative response is left.


Mark shared that in the times he’s hopped on a call, he’s been able to strengthen the relationship with the customer and that sets them on the right foot!

Do you use GUIDEcx’s CSAT feature? Tell us about your experience!


PS If you’re crushing the CSAT game and want to humble brag about yourself or your team - share the good news in the CSAT Celebration Corner, found here.

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