"BOO"-sting Adoption Rates

  • 9 October 2023
  • 4 replies

Userlevel 7

Happy Onboarding October! This is the second of five (2 of 5) QOTWs for Spooky Season!

For this question, I’d love to see what strategies you’ve used currently or in the past to boost customer adoption of new products/features!


How can you make adopting new tools or services less scary for customers?


Drop your thoughts below!!!

4 replies

Userlevel 5

Understand the client’s pain points and help them understand how the platform will solve or mitigate them.

Userlevel 7

How do you capture those? Especially when the end users pain points might not line up with the executive sponsor’s pain points?

Userlevel 7

I wrote that and immediately thought of this example:

If the Executive Sponsor wants more output from his team maybe the end user is suffering from drowning in work trying to keep up with the demands, so the angle could be: Let’s talk about how our solution will help you be more efficient!


Userlevel 5

You are absolutely right that the purchaser and user may have different pain points. Sometimes it is “I understand your CFO is constantly asking you for “x”, this is how we can help them self-serve so you don’t have to feed that to them. What else do you struggle with?”

