Hello GUIDEcx World!

Userlevel 1

I’m thrilled to have joined the GUIDEcx team as the newest Customer Success Manager working out of the headquarters in Utah. I look forward to the relationships I’ll create both internally and with our amazing customers.

4 replies

Userlevel 1

Woo! Welcome!

Userlevel 3

Welcome @bellis  .  Tell us more about yourself - background, how you arrived at GuideCX, etc

Userlevel 1

Thanks, @jjmcdev!

I’ve spent most of my career in customer-facing roles where almost 10 of those years have been in Customer Success and 5+ years in project management software. I was lucky enough to find this opportunity at GUIDEcx while I started searching for an amazing company with an unparalleled product where I could feed off the camaraderie and unity that comes from working in-office with outstanding coworkers.

One of the most unique experiences I’ve had over the past couple of months is partnering with customer’s who are so excited and passionate about the product and company I work for. Now it’s my responsibility to ensure they stay that way! 😀

Userlevel 1

Big time add to the family and community! Welcom Brandon!
