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What is the missing link?


Take a step inside the dreambowl with me. It’s like a fishbowl, but instead of fish it’s where you go to brainstorm amazing things. 

The prompt is “What is the missing link?”

I’m not talking about Bigfoot, I’m talking about integrations. What is an integration (link) that would level up not just your overall onboarding experience, but your team’s workflows significantly?

There are no wrong answers. I’m just curious of what integrations people wish they could build!


Here are a few ideas to get your brain moving and grooving:

  1. Customer fills out a form, depending on the answers it creates an onboarding project for them that aligns with their desired outcomes!
  2. Customer signs a contract, an onboarding project is spun up for them and they’re prompted to schedule their kickoff call!
  3. When a customer hasn’t engaged with their onboarding project for more than 7 days, an automatic reminder goes out to prompt them to schedule time with the assigned PM to get back on track!

  • Brainy
  • August 8, 2023

True data mapping. The client identifies the fields they want in the platform and the names of those same fields in their source system (simple CSV or spreadsheet with two columns). They are input into a system that then logically maps them using AI or other heuristics so manual mapping isn’t required.

  • Community Manager
  • August 8, 2023

Game changer! @jjohnson @Hamani.Po'oi this is a thread I think you guys should keep a pulse on! 

  • Community Manager
  • August 9, 2023

@chrishaleua don’t sleep on this thread 😂

  • Employee
  • August 9, 2023


Are you looking for the ability to enter the values of GuideCX custom fields in a spreadsheet and a recipe uploads those values to the appropriate projects?

that’s absolutely possible with Recipe Builder and I could show an example. 

  • Brainy
  • August 9, 2023

No, more about saying I want field X in Salesforce to map to Field Y in GuideCX. I’m a bit out of date on the integration, so it may already be possible.


  • Employee
  • August 9, 2023


Yes you can do that with Recipe Builder. 

one option: we’ve built out a recipe that creates new projects in GuideCX pulling field values out of Salesforce. These values can map to many fields in GuideCX including custom fields. 

Here’s our help article. I’ll also reach out via email to discuss your specific needs.





@jjohnson is correct as usual, but I also see @rondeaul point. It would be powerful if this could also be done outside of recipe builder in a simpler screen dedicated purely to mapping fields. That will become increasingly important as we expand custom fields to dynamic population instead of static values. I will loop back here and share a couple examples as designs are completed. 

  • Brainy
  • August 10, 2023

Thanks @chrishaleua - that is what I was looking for. Or, even better would be a point and click visual feature where there is a dropdown of objects available then you select the object which then shows a list of fields on that object so you can do a direct map.

An example is tech stack. We have an object on the opportunity that is dedicated to the client tech stack. If I could simply map that every time using a drag and drop or dropdown select in my template mapping, boom. Done.

We also receive info from clients during sales process that does not get added to Salesforce, so being able to simply pull that into a spreadsheet and having it automatically mapped into the platform’s custom fields would be great.

  • Inspiring
  • August 14, 2023

Here’s my wish list.  Some of these may already be available through the new Recipe Builder.  We are just starting out with Recipe Builder with a project initiation HubSpot integration - and will be digging into more after that.

  1. Ability to push a conversation from a slack channel into a Guide CX Project Note - For every new customer project we have an internal slack channel where everyone can chat about the project.  To keep a full picture - I have to copy and paste these conversations into the notes each day.  (Yes, I know that the ideal way is that everyone would chat within GuideCX Notes - but we have not been successful in getting the rest of the company to move off of their standard communication method - just for this one purpose of communicating about onboarding - it’s just not efficient for our employees)
  2. Ability to push an Gmail conversation to GuideCX Project Note - For same reason as above - we haven’t been successful in getting customers to always use GuideCX - or even just replying to a GuideCX email to communicate with us.  When they do send me an email - I need a way to quickly send that over to my project in GuideCX.  HubSpot does this perfectly - there is an Add In in Gmail that we can choose to Log to HubSpot - and what specific Customer/Contact.  This would be ideal in GuideCX.
  3. Requirements Gathering - Interface with Google Sheets or HubSpot - We are just starting out doing a deeper dive about our customer’s use case and details about their organization and goals, social media use, etc.  We’re gathering it during implementation - while using GuideCX - but ultimately this information needs to be viewable by the entire company - probably in HubSpot.  I’m trying to figure out how we can capture and store that data so that it’s easily enterable and available from both.

  • Community Manager
  • August 14, 2023

@jjmcdev Thanks for the feedback!

  1. ​​​​​​We will be publishing a related Slack recipe to the community in late August
  2. We were planning to handle this type of email thread (whether through Gmail or any other mail provider) through an easier way to CC a dedicated email address for the correct thread.
  3. We totally agree about the need to simplify customer intake, requirements gathering, and data collection. Some feel stuck doing this with spreadsheets for now.
    • We have some plans for recipes later this month that could import documents, but those recipes are focused on importing project plans as projects milestones, and tasks rather than recording use cases.
    • For your type of requirement documentation, we have been focused more on integrating forms. That is why we recently published Google Forms and Typeform recipes. But making the capture, review, and refinement of responses, watch for some exciting announcements around custom forms later this fall. Let us know what you think by voting and commenting on this related portal card in the GUIDEcx support page:

  • Inspiring
  • August 14, 2023

Thanks @chrishaleua for all the great information!  I’m excited about all the new functionality you all have been coming out with this year!  I have just been given the full responsibility for the Onboarding Process, the administration of GuideCX - so it’s a great year to have all these new features!


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