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With email and text communication being the first line of defense, sometimes implementation professionals rely too heavily on this way of communicating. When things are getting misunderstood or a client is escalating, I am always surprised how just exchanging words over the phone calms them down. I also find it helpful because it takes away the anonymity/delayed feedback of email, where clients tend to be more forceful. 

Not only do you get a quicker resolve, you maintain the relationship. Nevertheless, always a good idea to follow up in written communication, what was discussed over the phone for documentation purposes. 

This is brilliant, @JakeMesser! I have a personal rule that if I can resolve something in under 15 minutes on a call then I will do that, rather then let the client’s frustrations/anxiety build while we exchange multiple emails. 

It’s also so refreshing when you are emailing a client and they seem escalated, but then you hop on a call and they’re the nicest people in the world! 

PS good shoutout to sending a recap! That’s next level knowledge right there!

Great post. I need to get better about this. I fall into the let’s solve it in slack but you are right a quick 15 min call can save a lot of back and forth. 
