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Have you heard of the Doorman Fallacy?

Back in the 80’s when revolving doors were gaining popularity, hotels decided that doormen were obsolete. They cut back costs and fired their doormen because all they did was open doors, right? WRONG. This actually backfired on hotels and instead of making more money they lost money.

How did that happen you ask? Doormen do more than open doors (say that outloud 10x fast). They actually acted as taxi hailers, security/vagrant deterrent, friendly face to the customers, and a signal of luxury. When they were removed, all that was left was a door that revolved.

In the age of AI and automation, now it’s more important than ever to lean into the human aspect of your onboarding experience. Let the AI overlords and automation do the email sending and task assignments while you focus on the relationship building and other ancillary (yet still important) soft skills.

Now’s the time to refine these types of human skills that robots can’t do better than you:

  • Communication (active listening, good question asking, etc)
  • Patience + Empathy
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