GUIDEcx Mobile App - Best Practices

  • 25 January 2024
  • 2 replies
GUIDEcx Mobile App - Best Practices
Userlevel 7

Whether you're at your desk or not, onboarding doesn't stop.

With the GUIDEcx Mobile App, you can drive project success from anywhere, at anytime.

Stay in the loop with easy collaboration, one-click task updates, and instant alerts.

You can download the apps here:

4 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your New App

Tip 1: Update your mobile notification settings within the web-app

  1. Go to and click on the three-dot menu next to your company name in the navigation rail.
  2. Select Profile Settings > Notifications.




Tip 2: Create saved project and task filters in the web app so they can be accessed via the mobile app




Tip 3: Be sure to “Allow Push Notifications” when prompted after login to the mobile app, so you can get time sensitive action items via push notifications.

Get notified when a task status is updated to stay informed on project progress, see when a user leaves a new task or project note, and more!



Tip 4: Utilize the “Notes Digest” view to see all communication in one place.

All project and task notes are posted in chronological order, grouped by project, making it easy for you to catch up and take quick action.

We want to hear stories of when you’ve used the mobile app! When and where do you use it?

2 replies

Userlevel 1

I find the mobile app to be very useful at times especially if I am tied up in meetings or even after hours when our customers need assistance.


Anyone else have issues getting the app to remember username/password? Is this by design? It can be a bit annoying to have to type in the full email and pw every time. (Using iOS app on iPhone 14 if it matters.)
