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Here at GUIDEcx we’ve been talking a lot about how beneficial it is to have 3-5 customers added to your projects. It helps to keep all key players informed and it also actually helps to increase your on time completion rate! 🏆
Read more about that here.

But one thing that might help to know is that not all customers need to be given the same view of the project.


You can customize each users experience to match what they are needing to see.

You can choose each customer user’s view at the time that you add them to a project, but it will default select Compass. You also can change their view at any time if needed. Check out how here.

Project Views

There are 3 types of project views for a customer

  • Full Project View
    • This will give your customer full view into all public tasks, notes, attachments, activity log, etc on the project. They can check where each of their team members is at, where your team is at, and see the project overview, and receive project overview emails (unless they are disabled for the project or customer) 
  • Compass View
    • Compass is a more focused view of the users tasks. They will only see the customer tasks that they are assigned to or tasks they are a participant on, and they will see the name of the visible tasks that internal team is working on as well. Users with this view won’t see the project overview in the project, but they will receive the project overview emails (unless they are disabled for the project or customer) 
  • My Tasks Only
    • A consolidated view of only the tasks that the customer is assigned to or a participant of. Customers with my tasks only view do NOT see the project overview in the project, or get the project overview emails.


The 3 Customer User Types:

There are 3 key customer user types we recommend inviting to your projects. 

  • The Executive Sponsor 
    • My Recommended Project View: Full Project View
    • One thing to keep in mind with the Executive Sponsor is that inviting a user to the project does NOT mean that they need to be assigned to any of the tasks. If they want to have the option to keep a pulse on the project, but aren’t actively involved, this is a great way to do that! Even if they don’t ever log into the project, they will still be able to get those weekly overview emails :) 
  • The Program Manager
    • My Recommended Project View: Compass View
    • Compass gives them insight into all the things that they are working on without giving them more info than they are wanting/needing to have. Lets them focus on what is important :) 
    • The Program Manager could also be a good candidate for full project view. 
  • The Power User
    • My Recommended Project View: Compass View
    • Compass gives them insight into all the things that they are working on without giving them more info than they are wanting/needing to have. Lets them focus on what is important :) 


So when would I use “My Tasks” view?

The my tasks view is something that I personally would only assign to Third Party team members. They are the ones who are mostly likely not needing to see any of the project notes, or customer/internal tasks, or needing the weekly overview on the progress/status of the project. They just need to see what it is that they are needing to do and be able to mark it as done. 

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