🚨 I need your help🚨 What were some of the first questions you had when you started with GUIDEcx?

  • 21 December 2023
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 7

I’m working on building an in-app onboarding flow for GUIDEcx complete with weekly tips. Some of the tips I have in the works are:

  • “How Inviting customers speeds up TTV”
  • “Using filters to audit your projects”
  • “Using reports to know what needs your attention”

The goal is to create videos for our users by our users. In planning out what tips we share in the first 90 days of a new user’s experience, I need your help answering this:

“What were some of the first questions you had in your first 90 days?”

Your response might be featured in a weekly pro-tip! So please, let loose!

Special Request from Elan:

  1. No questions are off limits. If you think it’s too basic, please put it down.
  2. Even if someone else put something you were going to write, please add it. That tells me how many people are wondering the same thing.
  3. Go crazy with it! Don’t hesitate to blow up my inbox with notifications with all the questions you throw down. My goal is to create an experience that makes it so you don’t have to lose time in your day answering your new hires’ questions on how to use GUIDEcx. 

Thank you all again! I’m looking forward to reading each and every response! Here’s to building a world-class onboarding experience!!!


2 replies

Userlevel 2
  1. All of our in-flight projects were “late” because of holidays that we could not block off from “working days”… how to handle?  
  2. Customer confusion around links expiring in emails (we did get help with this from our CSM, but it was not a great customer experience). 
  3. I have a duplicated customer, how can I delete? 
  4. How do most customers work with GUIDEcx… compass view, full project view, or my tasks? 
  5. We have a very complicated onboarding plan with lots of dependencies, tasks running in parallel, etc. We often experience a kick-off delay… what is best practice for when to start a project to head off possible “late from the start” but not because of anything project related?  

I am sure I have more… will continue to think on this! 

Userlevel 7

Thank you for sharing @eduensing! 

I’ll incorporate those into our pro-tip emails for new users. In the meantime I thought I’d answer your questions haha

  1. All of our in-flight projects were “late” because of holidays that we could not block off from “working days”… how to handle?  I’ve seen other project managers put their projects “on hold” as a part of their holiday wrap up.
  2. Customer confusion around links expiring in emails (we did get help with this from our CSM, but it was not a great customer experience). Thanks for surfacing! Does your customer receive a task email soon after they are invited to the project?
  3. I have a duplicated customer, how can I delete? At this time, there is not a way to delete a duplicate customer. Do you create a lot of projects with the same customer? 
  4. How do most customers work with GUIDEcx… compass view, full project view, or my tasks? GREAT QUESTION! I recommend checking out the video in this article. TL;DR → executive sponsor should have Full project view, everyone else should have compass!
  5. We have a very complicated onboarding plan with lots of dependencies, tasks running in parallel, etc. We often experience a kick-off delay… what is best practice for when to start a project to head off possible “late from the start” but not because of anything project related? I imagine you have a “Conduct kickoff call” task in your template. What I recommend is to add a few extra days to the duration of that task. That way instead of having 1 day to complete it, you have 5 days so the project doesn’t turn late. 

Of course, anyone else is welcome to answer with what they’ve found that works!
