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With the View As feature turned on, I attempted to remove someone from a test project, or from a role in a test project. Either activity resulted in an endlessly spinning circle on the dialog to remove them.

I switched the feature off and the user did not show up on the internal team at all.

I added a new user to replace them in that role and with the view as feature off was able to assign them the same role.

With the feature turned on, now I show two people in that role. The original user (X in the screenshots) and the new user (4).


View As On: 

View As Off:


@cmelancon Thanks for the feedback on this beta! This lines up with behavior we have been focused on fixing over the past couple days. We just pushed another release to staging and confirmed it is fixed.

Now we are promoting that change in the deployment pipeline to all workspaces in production. That is on track to be completed today.

We will validate that in production and reply back again once this is worth your effort to test again. 
