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I’ll admit I don’t have a lot of knowledge about how this module is supposed to work - but I need a little help on Assign Role feature.  I’ve read the article Customer Roles + View As Customer - Labs and it doesn’t answer my questions.


From the Team Tab for an internal team member,  I am able to choose Assign Role from the Menu - but when the pop up window opens - the Select a Role dropdown is greyed out.  Am I doing something wrong?  I’m guessing that there needs to be a list of roles configured somewhere - but I can’t find it.  What is the purpose of this feature?  Since most of my team members are the same for each project, would I have to assign these roles on every project?



Hi Jill...I was doing some testing on this. Can you see if that project has any tasks with functions associated? I ran a couple of tests and what I can see is if there are no functions assigned to tasks, there are no “roles” to assign that team member to. This could cause the select role drop down to be greyed out. 

with functions 
without functions


@dthompson - so I think that might be the piece of info I’m missing.  Can you explain more about task functions - and how to set up role options?

I still need assistance with this.  I think it might take a quick Zoom meeting to share my screen and show what’s happening.  I tried to do it on my own - and figured out you can edit the box over the Customer Name Card and change “Team Member” to a Role - such as Technical Contact.  And when I exited it - it saved it for that contact - but it also made a blank card with that Role Name.  

Then today I went back in there - and it had the extra blank cards - and my two contacts were back to Team Member.  So I typed in their roles again - and once again - it made more blank cards?

@dthompson Can I schedule a meeting with someone for assistance?


@dthompson @chrishaleua 

And now - once I exited and came back in - my two customer titles are back to Team Member - with all the empty boxes showing the amount of times I have assigned the title and it creating an empty box


Hi Jill...let’s get you with our support team on a zoom call to help get this solved for you. 

@dthompson do you just want me to put all of this into a support ticket, or have you already done that?

@jjmcdev thanks for hoping on a zoom call with me. We did some testing and it appears that customer team roles are working properly now. We tested both with adding the new customer team member and assigning a role at creation, as well as renaming a role. 

If you see it still removing the custom role name you assign, go ahead and create a support ticket and we’ll take it from there. 👍🏼

Thanks @jjmcdev for being so involved. @dthompson and I were able to look at that issue and I would echo his reply that it appears like everything is now working properly. However, if you run into any issues, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me via the community, directly to my email: or schedule a call with me:

Thanks again and I hope you have a great weekend!

@ccrossett currently on a newly created project - the Team Tab will not even load when I have the View As Labs on.  So I’ll guess I’ll go into the Add Team tab in the rights side pane and add people. there.

What I was showing on my original post must have been an existing project that was there before I turned the beta on.

And also - FYI - a minor thing - the display of the team members in the header overwrites some other text…



I guess we are going to need to have a session next week.  I just invited three customers to my project - the old fashioned way - with the side pane. 

  1. It only actually added the 3rd one to the project
  2. I selected Compass View - and per the card it has Restricted Project View, and both Overview Emails and Task Emails off???
    1.  Then on the Team Tab I now had the ability to add a team member there - I added my main point of contact and hit Invite and it has been spinning for several minutes without completing


I’ve even tried going back and adding another user through the side panel - and it says it adds it - but it doesn’t.  Nothing is working now to add customers to the project.  And it’s crucial that I get these invitations out.  I’m going to try turning off the View As Beta and reboot and see if I can get them invited.

@jjmcdev - Hi Jill, I’m sorry the new feature is giving you some headaches. We have had some other reports of users not being able to load the Team tab while the feature is enabled. We solved the issue for some users but are continuing to get some reports. My recommendation at this point would be to disable the feature in the Labs page so that you can go about your day/work with the legacy version and get the customers invited to the project. 

Then when you aren’t as pressed for time or don’t have the urgency of getting users invited into a project maybe we can jump on a call together and try to troubleshoot what you are seeing. We could find a time that will be the least disruptive to you and your team, enable the feature and then go a few scenarios. If you would like to do that you can schedule a time with me here:

You are also welcome to email directly if we need to arrange something different: 
