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When I activated View As functionality in Labs, we now get many errors when attempting to load the project team page.

Sometimes it works fine, it seems most of the time we get this error.

Something went wrong when loading teams data


Sometimes if we just sit on the screen it eventually loads the team, sometimes not.

Mike, thank you for jumping into the Labs/Beta feature as quickly as you did! We’ll share this with our team and get it cleaned up before releasing it out of Beta.

Tracked in ENG-5515. Thanks for the feedback. Behavior seems to be that view as works consistently for newly created projects but some older projects have this sporadic issue. We will keep investigating.

This is resolved now. Please let support know if you ever see this happen again. 

We are continuing to see this problem. We believe we were able to narrow down specific scenarios that cause it.

  1. Any project that was imported into GUIDEcx displays the error when viewing the Team tab.
  2. Projects that were not imported into the system have the following behavior.
  • If customers have been added to the team, everything displays fine.
  • If customers have not yet been added to the team, the Team tab is blank.

Ah. That makes even more sense now. We will review the context around imported projects. 

@MRicketts The additional coverage for imported projects is now code complete. It will be available to you as QA testing is completed in staging and the update is pushed to production later this week. 

Thank you Chris. Appreciate the quick status update. We look forward to the update.

I was just curious if there has been any progress toward getting this fix updated into production? 

Yes. The fix was pushed recently. I recommend reactivating the Labs beta for View As in the Teams tab if you chose to deactivate it while we worked on that fix. We will be expanding beyond beta to GA release soon. 

Thanks Chris.

It seems to be a good news, bad news situation.


If I turn on this feature, we no longer get the error message as we used to see. The problem is that it doesn’t load anything for projects that were imported into the system. The load icon just keeps turning. I tried multiple times and even let it spin for over 2 minutes with no change.

@MRicketts I brought this up with my fellow PM @ccrossett . We still expect this to work with imported projects so we will keep pushing until that is so. You can expect an update here once we know more. 

Thanks Chris. If you or @ccrossett need me to jump on a call to share what I see, or examples, please just let me know.


@MRicketts - I am working with a member of my team right now and wanted to know if you had some examples of imported projects that we can review to see if they now load. I’m open to either scheduling a time for a call to jump on together and have you share your screen with the feature flag enabled or we can do it async if you prefer. Just let me know. 

@ccrossett  I sent you an email with a couple of examples.

This conversation has been marked as solved which I think is appropriate given that we are now handling the imported projects and we are tracking the other workflows tied to the API through a different conversation. 
